Roam Notes on The Batch Newsletter (Andrew Ng) – We Need Better Evals for LLM Applications

  • Author:: [[Andrew Ng]]
  • Source:: link
  • Review Status:: [[complete]]
  • Anki Tag:: andrew_ng_the_batch_we_need_better_evals_for_llm_apps
  • Anki Deck Link:: link
  • Tags:: #[[Article]] #[[Large Language Models (LLM)]] #[[evals]] #[[[[AI]] Agents]] #[[Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)]]
  • Summary

    • Evaluating Generative AI Applications: Challenges and Solutions
      • Challenges in Evaluation:
        • Evaluating custom AI applications generating free-form text is a barrier to progress.
        • Evaluations of general-purpose models like LLMs use standardized tests (MMLU, HumanEval) and platforms (LMSYS Chatbot Arena, HELM).
        • Current evaluation tools face limitations such as data leakage and subjective human preferences.
      • Types of Applications:
        • Unambiguous Right-or-Wrong Responses:
          • Examples: Extracting job titles from resumes, routing customer emails.
          • Evaluation involves creating labeled test sets, which is costly but manageable.
        • Free-Text Output:
          • Examples: Summarizing customer emails, writing research articles.
          • Evaluation is challenging due to the variability of good responses.
          • Often relies on using advanced LLMs for evaluation, but results can be noisy and expensive.
      • Cost and Time Considerations:
        • [[evals]] can significantly increase development costs.
        • Running [[evals]] is time-consuming, slowing down experimentation and iteration.
      • Future Outlook:
        • Optimistic about developing better evaluation techniques, possibly using agentic workflows such as [[reflection ([[Large Language Models (LLM)]])]].
    • Richer Context for RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)
      • New Development:
        • Researchers at Stanford developed RAPTOR (Recursive Abstractive Processing for Tree-Organized Retrieval). Link to paper here.
        • RAPTOR provides graduated levels of detail in text summaries, optimizing context within LLM input limits.
      • How RAPTOR Works:
        • Processes documents through cycles of summarizing, embedding, and clustering.
        • Uses SBERT encoder for embedding, Gaussian mixture model (GMM) for clustering, and GPT-3.5-turbo for summarizing.
        • Retrieves and ranks excerpts based on cosine similarity to user prompts, optimizing input length.
      • Results:
        • RAPTOR outperformed other retrievers on the QASPER test set.
      • Importance:
        • Recent LLMs can process very long inputs, but it is costly and time-consuming.
        • RAPTOR enables models with tighter input limits to access more context efficiently.
      • Conclusion:
        • RAPTOR offers a promising solution for developers facing challenges with input context length.
        • This may be a relevant technique to reference if you get around to implement [[Project: Hierarchical File System Summarization using [[Large Language Models (LLM)]]]]
    • Relevant [[ChatGPT]] conversations: here, here
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