Creating PDF Reports with Python, Pdfkit, and Jinja2 Templates

Once in a while as a data scientist, you may need to create PDF reports of your analyses. This seems somewhat “old school” nowadays, but here are a couple situations why you might want to consider it:

  • You need to make reports that are easily printable. People often want “hard copies” of particular reports they are running and don’t want to reproduce everything they did in an interactive dashboard.
  • You need to match existing reporting formats: If you’re replacing a legacy reporting system, it’s often a good idea to try to match existing reporting methods as your first step. This means that if the legacy system used PDF reporting, then you should strongly consider creating this functionality in the replacement system. This is often important for getting buy-in from people comfortable with the old system.

I recently needed to do PDF reporting in a work assignment. The particular solution I came up with uses two main tools:

  • Jinja2 templates to generate HTML files of the reports that I need.
  • Pdfkit to convert these reports to PDF.
  • You also need to install a tool called wkhtmltopdf for pdfkit to work.

We’ll install our required packages with the following commands:

pip install pdfkit
pip install Jinja2

Then follow instructions here to install wkhtmltopdf.

Primer on Jinja2 Templates

Jinja2 is a great tool to become familiar with, especially if you do web development in Python. In short, it lets you automatically generate text documents by programmatically filling in placeholder values that you assign to text file templates. It’s a very flexible tool, used widely in Python web applications to generate HTML for users. You can think of it like super high-powered string substitution.

We’ll be using Jinja2 to generate HTML files of our reports that we will convert into PDFs with other tools. Keep in mind that Jinja2 can come in handy for other reporting applications, like sending automated emails or creating reports in other text file formats.

There are two main components of working with Jinja2:

  • Creating the text file Jinja2 templates that contain placeholder values. In these templates, you can use a variety of Jinja2 syntax features that allow you to adjust the look of the file and how it loads the placeholder data.
  • Writing the python code that assigns the placeholder values to your Jinja2 templates and renders a new text string according to these values.

Let’s create a simple template just as an illustration. This template will simply be a text file that prints out the value of a name. All you have to do it create a text file (let’s call it name.txt). Then in this file, simply add one line:

Your name is: {{ name }}

Here, ‘name’ is the name of the python variable that we’ll pass into the template, which holds the string placeholder that we want to include in the template.

Now that we have our template created, we need to write the python code that fills in the placeholder values in the template with what you need. You do this with the render function. Say, we want to create a version of the template where the name is “Mark”. Then write the following code:

Now, outputText holds a string of the template where {{ name }} is now equal to “Mark”. You can confirm this by writing the following on the command line:

The arguments to template.render() are the placeholder variables contained in the template along with what you want to assign them to:

template.render(placeholder_variable_in_template1=value_you_want_it_assigned1, placeholder_variable_in_template2=value_you_want_it_assigned2, ..., placeholder_variable_in_templateN=value_you_want_it_assignedN)

There is much much more you can to with Jinja2 templates. For example, we have only shown how to render a simple variable here but Jinja2 allows more complex expressions, such as for loops, if-else statements, and template inheritance. Another useful fact about Jinja2 templates is you can pass in arbitrary python objects like lists, dictionaries, or pandas data frames and you are able to use the objects directly in the template. Check out Jinja2 Template Designer Documentation for a full list of features. I also highly recommend the book Flask Web Development: Developing Web Applications with Python which includes an excellent guide on Jinja2 templates (which are the built-in template engine for the Flask web development framework).

Creating PDF Reports

Let’s say you want to print PDFs of tables that show the growth of a bank account. Each table shows the growth rate year by year of $100, $500, $20,000, and $50,000 dollars. Each separate pdf report uses a different interest rate to calculate the growth rate. We’ll need 10 different reports, each of which prints tables with 1%, 2%, 3%, …, 10% interest rates, respectively.

Lets first define the Pandas Dataframes that we need.

data_frames contains 10 dictionaries, each of which contain the data frame and the interest rate used to produce that data frame.

Next, we create the template file. We will generate one report for each of the 10 data frames above, and generate them by passing each data frame to the template along with the interest rate used.

After creating this template, we then write the following code to produce 10 HTML files for our reports.

Our HTML reports now look something like this:

As a final step, we need to convert these HTML files to PDFs. To do this, we use pdfkit. All you have to do is iterate through your HTML files and then use a single line of code from pdfkit to each file to convert it into a pdf.

All of this code combined will pop out the following HTML files with PDF versions:

You can then click on 1.pdf to see that we’re getting the results we’re looking for.

We’ve given a very stripped down example of how you can create reports using python in an automated way. With more work, you can develop much more sophisticated reports limited only by what’s possible with HTML.

Deploying and Maintaining a Web App Part 2: Setting up the Database and App Configuration

It is good practice when developing a web application to set up different environments for deploying changes. The number and nature of environments that are used can vary, but we’ll be using the following commonplace architecture:

  • Development Environment: Where you develop the web application, typically on your local machine.
  • Testing Environment: Where you perform tests to help ensure the quality of your application.
  • Staging Environment: Where you deploy the application for the purpose of conducting “integration tests” that testing the broader functionality of your web app.
  • Production Environment: Where you deploy your web app to your users.

In this Part 2 of our web app deployment and maintenance project, we’ll begin to set up some of these environments, including a database with an extremely simple schema as well as some additions to our application to incorporate the database and configure the app.

To follow along, you can clone the repository:

git clone

And then go to the appropriate location in the code changes with the following command:

git checkout 75521eb0e3d

Finally, create the python environment with:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Installing Additional Python Packages

To start off, we’ll install a couple of additional packages to our app’s Conda environment:

  • Flask-SQLAlchemy: SQLAlchemy is a fantastic Python library that provides a way of interacting with your database purely in python, without having to write SQL query strings. Another benefit of using SQLAlchemy and similar ORMs is the ability to easily swap out databases if you decide you want to change in the future. Flask-SQLAlchemy is an extension for Flask that makes it easier to incorporate SQLAlchemy into Flask apps.
  • Flask-Migrate: A Flask extension that provides a lightweight wrapper around the Alembic database migration framework. This will come in handy later when we need to make changes to our database schema after it’s already been deployed to production.
  • Flask-WTF: A Flask extension that makes it easy to work with web forms.
  • psycopg2: An adapter for PostgreSQL databases in Python. PostgreSQL will be our database of choice and this package is required to connect it up to our application.

To install these applications, first start up the Conda environment with the following command:

source activate app-deploy

Then install the packages above with the following commands:

pip install Flask-SQLAlchemy

pip install flask-migrate

pip install Flask-WTF

conda install psycopg2

Installing and Setting Up the PostgreSQL Databases

Next, we need to install PostgreSQL. You can find the proper install for your system here.

Postgres comes with a handy front end terminal program called psql, which allows you to examine your database’s tables and records using SQL queries. We first use psql to initialize two of the databases we’ll be working with for our program: the development database and the test database.

First enter into psql by typing psql into the terminal:

From here, you can run a bunch of useful commands. For example \l lists all the databases you currently have in postgres:

For now, we’ll need to use psql to create two databases that we’ll call app_deploy_development and app_deploy_test. This is as simple as running the two commands below.

Running the command \l shows that these two databases have been created:

You can then exit postgres with the command \q or simply press control-d.

To be able to connect to this database from Flask / SQL Alchemy, we need the URL string associated with the database. In PostgreSQL, this takes the form:


We’ll eventually be running the the development and test databases on localhost, so the hostname is ‘localhost’, the port is 5432 (this is a postgres default) and database is ’app_deploy_development’. You can confirm the port Postgres is running on by running the following command:

Configuring our Flask App

Now we’ll make some changes to the app so that the database is actually used.

FIrst we will begin to incorporate the application environments that we need. The main way to do this in Flask is through the configuration variables, which are stored in app.config variable (where app is the instance of your application).

The simplistic version of app.config is treated like a simple dictionary (e.g. you can set app.config[‘SECRET_KEY’] = ‘some_secret’), but this does not account for the fact that you need to work with different sets of configurations depending on how you’re running your application. Instead, a more flexible way to set up the app.config variable is to use a hierarchy of configuration classes, defined like this:

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI is an environmental variable required by SQLAlchemy to tell the extension where to find the database. Since these environmental variables are sensitive (they contain username and password information that you would not want to share), they are defined in your system’s environmental variables rather than including them in version control (you define these using the export command). Add the configuration code above is to a file called in the app’s top directory.

Refactoring our App to use the Application Factory Pattern

We need to do some restructuring of our application to account for the database and implement the “application factory” pattern in Flask that allows us to provide different app instances with different configurations. We first move our file into the /app folder. We also create an app/templates/ folder to store the front-end template that will hold the template for our front end form to enter names the and “hello world” message.

We also create /app/

This file stores our factory function ‘create_app’ that returns instances of the application. create_app takes a config_name argument, allowing us to create an app with the desired configuration option (e.g. create_app(‘development’), create_app(‘testing’), etc.) The configuration is assigned to the app within the factory function using the Flask app.config.from_object function along with the dictionary of configuration classes defined in

Adding the Database to our App

Rather than having just “Hello World”, we want to have our application make use of the database in some minimal way. So, we add a form where the user can enter names which are stored in the database inside a single table, consisting of a single column holding the names.

To define the database schema, we create a file called

This file imports our database instance db. Here we define a ‘name’ string column, and an integer id that serves as a primary key (your table must have a primary key).

We also create a file in the app’s top directory:

This file is tasked with creating the instances of app from the create_app function defined in app/ This function is what allows us to choose a particular configuration, which we define in an environment variable on our system called FLASK_CONFIG. It is also a place where we can do additional configuring of our newly generated application instance (e.g. creating commands for your app with the flask command line program by decorating functions with @app.cli.command()). This file may seem a little unnecessary now but it will come in handy later.

We also need to insert a form for the user to enter in data. We’ll use the assistance of the great Flask extension, Flask-WTF. With Flask-WTF, you define forms as classes that inherit from FlaskForm. Each of the class variables represents a field in the form that takes in certain types of values. Here our form is quite simple as it only takes a single field where the user can enter in names. There is also a ‘submit’ button which provides exactly what you expect.

Now that we have a form defined, we can define the new front end template index.html.

In our main application, we need to pass our NameForm class to render this template so we add the following code to Also note that, because of the way that we used the app_factory pattern, we must now use ‘BluePrints” for our view functions rather than defining routes in a single file directly to the app instance (blueprints are basically objects that can hold a bunch of an app’s routes and code and then can be registered with the application in the apps factory function).

Running our Updated App With the Database

To run the application first define environmental variables:

  • FLASK_APP, which tells the flask command line program where the flask application is located so that it can run it:
  • FLASK_CONFIG, which is the environmental variable that tells the program what environment your app should be running in. As a reminder, this value is used in and references one of the values in the dict found in
export FLASK_CONFIG=development
  • DEV_DATABASE_URL, which points to your development database. As a reminder, this is assigned to the environment variable SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI in
export DEV_DATABASE_URL=”postgresql://<insert username>:<insert password>@localhost:5432/app_deploy_development”

Before you run the application the first time, you have to initialize the database. You only have to do this once, using the db.create_all() method provided by Flask-SQLAlchemy. From the top application directory run:

flask shell
>> from app import db
>> db.create_all()

Then you can exit the python interpreter with quit() or control-d.

Finally, run the application with:

flask run

Now, when you visit, you should see this:

Your app should now be running with a live development database in the background ready to store whatever is entered into the form. To make sure it’s working, enter a few names into the form (for my test, I typed in “Foobar”, “Mark”, and “Joanna”). Then, in the terminal from the top directory in your app, write the command “flask shell” to run the python interpreter in the context of your app. This throws you into the python interpreter. We’ll then query the database to make sure our names exist:

Looks like we’re good to go! Just to be sure, I loop through the names to make sure they’re the values we expect:

Workflow to Deploy and Maintain a Web App

In this series, I’m going to work through the process of deploying and maintaining a simple web application. The goal is for you to get an understanding of all the steps that may be involved in deploying a web app and maintaining it in production with modern tools and techniques.

To follow along in this series, it would help to have an understanding of the command line, python programming, and basic web application development. I’ll be using the Flask web development framework. You’re in my target audience if you’ve built simple Flask applications running locally, and you now want to deploy it and use related best practices, such as implementing development, staging, and production environments, using docker containers, and making changes to the application via continuous integration / continuous deployment (CI / CD) tools.

The focus here is not on the web application itself –  rather, it’s on the process of deployment and maintenance. I’m going to get into all the nuts and bolts related to getting the app running live and maintaining it in a smart way. Along the way, we’ll learn about the best practices around deploying a web application that I find are not readily available in many tutorials.

Table of contents:

Part 1 – Setting up the server (currently reading)
Part 2 – Setting up the Database and App Configuration
Part 3 – Adding Tests with Pytest
… To come, as I finish the series 🙂

Getting Started

As the basis for our adventure, we’ll start with the simplest Flask app possible: the hello world app from the Flask website.

To get the full code for this application, run:

git clone

You need install Conda, which is the tool I use for managing the python environments (see my related post here). The environment information is stored in environment.yml in the repository.

To create the python environment from the environment.yml file, run the following command in the main project directory (i.e. app-deploy/):

conda env create -f environment.yml

The conda environment is called ‘app-deploy’. To run the environment after you’ve created it, simply type (on Mac or Linux):

source activate app-deploy

Or on Windows:

activate app-deploy

For each part of this series, I will provide a git checkout command that will allow you to see the code in the state relevant to that part of the series.

To start off with the initial, most basic version of the application, run:

git checkout 75521eb0e3

The main document in the repository is a file called that looks like this:

First activate the environment, which will add ‘(app-deploy)’ to your command line to indicate you are in the environment, like this:

Now that you are in the appropriate python environment, you can run:


Which runs Flask’s development server and serves the app to

If you visit the site in the browser, you should see this:

Part 1 – Setting up the Server

As a first step in this process, we’re going to spin up a server that will ultimately run the web application in production.

An aside for data scientists: Running and configuring web servers is a valuable skill for data scientists. You often need to do this to run data-driven applications you build for others (you don’t want to be running these things on your desktop computer). Furthermore, there are many valuable tools and services out there for data scientists and their coworkers that are designed to run on a server, rather than as a desktop application (e.g. Apache Superset, which is a free and open source business intelligence dashboard like Tableau or PowerBI). Servers also come in handy for your own personal use even if you have no plans to deploy a web application. For example, your server can run scripts that automatically create reports and send you email notifications, or you can run web scrapers that collect data while you sleep.

Back in the day, you needed an on-site physical server to do this. Thankfully, modern cloud computing makes it incredibly easy and cheap to run your own server. There are a few good options out there, but in this series, I’m going to use a Digital Ocean “droplet”. 

First, create an account with Digital Ocean. Then, choose the option to create a droplet:

Then, choose the operating system that you want your server to run on. I went with Ubuntu, since it’s what I’m most familiar with. It has a large user base, and as a result, there is lots of online tutorials / documentation to help you troubleshoot when things go wrong.

Then choose the memory and CPU power of your server. I went with the smallest / cheapest one. It’s easy to “resize” your droplet later on if you realize you need more juice.

Now choose a datacenter region – this is the location where your server will run. I suggest picking a data center closest to you, or closest to where your users will be. For me, that’s their Toronto data center.

Finally, you have to specify an SSH key. This will allow you to use the ssh command line program to log into your server remotely (you’ll be working with your server entirely through the command line). DigitalOcean gives you the option to enter it right inside their online dashboard interface as a step in creating the droplet. They also provide this useful guide. Here’s what I did on my Mac.

  1. Run the command:

This generates two files which represent the public-private key pairs that you’ll need to authenticate via SSH. Save these files in your ~/.ssh directory (this is the directory where the ssh program will automatically look when you attempt to log into the server). You’ll also get an option to add a password to the file, which is recommended as protection against your laptop being stolen and someone getting access to the files.

id_rsa and are the default names for these public / private key pairs. Since these already exist in my .ssh directory, I chose a different filename: app-deploy and  

Once you create these files, you then need to copy the contents of the public key (i.e. the file ending in ‘.pub’) into the “New SSH Key” form that Digital Ocean provides when setting up your droplet:

After entering in your public key, you can click the button to create your server.

Finally, to login to my server I run:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/app_deploy root@server_ip_address

If you chose the default filename (id_rsa and, then you only need to run:

ssh root@server_ip_address

And congratulations – you are now logged into your own personal server running in the cloud!

Using Python to Figure out Sample Sizes for your Study

It’s common wisdom among data scientists that 80% of your time is spent cleaning data, while 20% is the actual analysis.

There’s a similar issue when doing an empirical research study: typically, there’s tons of work to do up front before you get to the fun part (i.e. seeing and interpreting results).

One important up front activity in empirical research is figuring out the sample size you need. This is a crucial, since it significantly impacts the cost of your study and the reliability of your results. Collect too much sample: you’ve wasted money and time. Collect too little: your results may be useless.

Understanding the sample size you need depends on the statistical test you plan to use. If it’s a straightforward test, then finding the desired sample size can be just a matter of plugging numbers into an equation. However, it can be more involved, in which case a programming language like Python can make life easier. In this post, I’ll go through one of these more difficult cases.

Here’s the scenario: you are doing a study on a marketing effort that’s intended to increase the proportion of women entering your store (say, a change in signage). Suppose you want to know whether the change actually increased the proportion of women walking through. You’re planning on collecting the data before and after you change the signs and determine if there’s a difference. You’ll be using a two-proportion Z test for comparing the two proportions. You’re unsure how long you’ll need to collect the data to get reliable results – you first have to figure out how much sample you need!

Overview of the Two Proportion Z test

The first step in determining the required sample size is understanding the statical test you’ll be using. The two sample Z test for proportions determines whether a population proportion p1 is equal to another population proportion p2. In our example, p1 and p2 are the proportion of women entering the store before and after the marketing change (respectively), and we want to see whether there was a statistically significant increase in p2 over p1, i.e. p2 > p1.

The test test the null hypothesis: p1 – p2 = 0. The test statistic we use to test this null hypotheses is:

$latex Z = \frac{p_2 – p_1}{\sqrt{p*(1-p*)(\frac{1}{n_1} + \frac{1}{n_2})}}&s=4$

Where p* is the proportion of “successes” (i.e. women entering the store) in the two samples combined. I.e.

$latex p* = \frac{n_1p_1 + n_2p_2}{n_1 + n_2}&s=4$

Z is approximately normally distributed (i.e. ~N(0, 1)), so given a Z score for two proportions, you can look up its value against the normal distribution to see the likelihood of that value occurring by chance.

So how to figure out the sample size we need? It depends on a few factors:

  • The confidence level: How confident do we need to be to ensure the results didn’t occur by chance? For a given difference in results, detecting it with higher confidence requires more sample. Typical choices here include 95% or 99% confidence, although these are just conventions.
  • The percentage difference that we want to be able to detect: The smaller the differences you want to be able to detect, the more sample will be required.
  • The absolute values of the probabilities you want to detect differences on: This is a little trickier and somewhat unique to the particular test we’re working with. It turns out that, for example, detecting a difference between 50% and 51% requires a different sample size than detecting a difference between 80% and 81%. In other words, the sample size required is a function of p1, not just p1 – p2.
  • The distribution of the data results: Say that you want to compare proportions within sub-groups (in our case, say you subdivide proportion of women by age group). This means that you need the sample to be big enough within each subgroup to get statistically significant comparisons. You often don’t know how the sample will pan out within each of these groups (it may be much harder to get sample for some). There are at least a couple of alternatives for you here: i) you could assume sample is distributed uniformly across subgroups ii) you can run a preliminary test (e.g. sit outside the store for half a day to get preliminary proportions of women entering for each age group).

So, how do you figure out sample sizes when there are so many factors at play? 

Figuring out Possibilities for Sample Sizes with Python

Ultimately, we want to make sure we’re able to calculate a difference between p1 and p2 when it exists. So, let’s assume you know that the “true” difference that exists between p1 and p2. Then, we can look at sample size requirements for various confidence levels and absolute levels of p1.

We need a way of figuring out Z, so we can determine whether a given sample size provides statistically significant results, so let’s define a function that returns the Z value given p1, p2, n1, and n2.

[gist /]

Then, we can define a function that returns the sample required, given p1 (the before probability), pdiff (i.e. p2 – p1), and alpha (which represents the p-value, or 1 minus the confidence level). For simplicity we’ll just assume that n1 = n2. If you know in advance that n1 will have about a quarter of the size of n2, then it’s trivial to incorporate this into the function. However, you typically don’t know this in advance and in our scenario an equal sample assumption seems reasonable.

The function is fairly simplistic: it counts up from n starting from 1, until n gets large enough where the probability of that statistic being that large (i.e. the p-value) is less than alpha (in this case, we would reject the null hypothesis that p1 = p2). The function uses the normal distribution available from the scipy library to calculate the p value and compare it to alpha. 

[gist /]

These functions we’ve defined provide the main tools we need to determine minimum sample levels required.

As mentioned earlier, one complication to deal with is the fact that the sample required to determine differences between p1 and p2 depend on the absolute level of p1. So, the first question we want to answer is “what p1 that would require the biggest sample size to determine a given difference with p2?” Figuring this out allows you to calculate a lower bound on the sample you need for any p1. If you calculate the sample for the p1 with the highest required sample, you know it’ll be enough for any other p1.

Let’s say we want to be able to calculate a 5% difference with 95% confidence level, and we need to find a p1 that gives us the largest sample required. We first generate a list in Python of all the p1 to look at, from 0% to 95% and then use the sample_required function for each difference to calculate the sample.

[gist /]

Then, we plot the data with the following code.

[gist /]

Which produces this plot:

This plot makes it clear that p1 = 50% produces the highest sample sizes.

Using this information, let’s say we want to calculate the sample sizes required to calculate differences in p1 and p2 where p2 – p1 is between  2% and 10%, and confidence levels are 95% or 99%. To ensure we get a sample large enough, we know to set p1 = 50%. We first write the code to build up the data frame to plot.

[gist /]

Then we write the following code to plot the data with Seaborn.

[gist /]

The final result is this plot:

This shows the minimum sample required to detect probability differences between 2% and 10%, for both 95% and 99% confidence levels. So, for example, detecting a difference of 2% at 95% confidence level requires a sample of ~3,500, which translates into n1 = n2 = 1,750. So, in our example, you would need about 1,750 people walking into the store before the marketing intervention, and 1,750 people after to detect a 2% difference in probabilities at a 95% confidence level.


The example shows how Python can be a very useful tool for performing “back of the envelope” calculations, such as estimates of required sample sizes for tests where this determination is not straightforward. These calculations can save you a lot of time and money, especially when you’re thinking about collecting your own data for a research project.

How to Find Underrated People on Twitter with TURI (Twitter Underrated Index)

One of the best skills that you can develop is the ability to find talented people before anyone else does.

This great advice from Tyler Cowen (economist and blogger at Marginal Revolution) got me thinking: What are some strategies for finding talented but underrated people?

One possible source is Twitter. For a long time, I didn’t “get” Twitter, but after following Michael Nielsen’s advice I’m officially a convert. The key is carefully selecting the list of people you follow. If you do this well, your Twitter feed becomes a constant stream of valuable information and interesting people.

If you look carefully, you can find a lot of highly underrated people on Twitter, i.e. incredibly smart people that put out valuable and interesting content, but have a smaller following that you would expect.

These are the kinds of people that are the best to follow: you get access to insights that a lot of other people are not getting (since not many people are following them), and they are more likely to respond to queries or engage in discussion (since they have a smaller following to manage).

One option for finding these people is trial and error, but I wanted to see if it’s possible to quantify how underrated people are on Twitter and automate the process for finding good people to follow.

I call this the TURI (Twitter Underrated Index), because hey, it needs a name and acronyms make things sound so official.

Components of TURI

The index has three main components: Growth, Influence of Followers, and the Number of Followers.

Growth (G): The number of followers a user has per unit of content they have published (i.e. per tweet).

A user that is growing their Twitter following quickly suggests that they are underrated. It implies they are putting out quality content and people are starting to notice rapidly. The way I measure this is the number of followers a person acquires per Tweet.

Another possible measurement of growth is the number of followers the user has acquired per unit of time (i.e. number of followers divided by the length of time the Twitter account has existed). However, there are a couple of problems with this option:

  • Twitter accounts can be dormant for years. For example, someone might start an account but not tweet for 5 years and then put out great content. Measuring growth in terms of time would unfairly punish these people.
  • A person may have a strategy of Tweeting constantly. Some of the content results in followers, but the overall quality is still low. We are looking for people that publish great content, not necessarily people that put out a lot of content.

Influence of Followers (IF): The average number of the user’s follower’s followers.

In my opinion, the influence of a person’s following is the most important factor determining whether they are underrated on Twitter. Here’s a few reasons why:

  • Influential people are, on average, better judges of good content.
  • Influential people are more selective in who they decide to follow, especially if Twitter is an important part of their online “brand”.
  • Influential people tend to engage with or are in some way related to other high quality people in their offline personal lives, and these people are more likely to appear in their Twitter feed even if they are not widely known or appreciated yet.

I’m somewhat biased toward this measure because, from my own personal experience, it has worked out really well when I browse through people who are followed by influential people on my feed. If I see someone followed by Tyler Cowen, Alex Tabarrok, Russ Roberts, Patrick Collison, and Marc Andreessen, and yet they only have 5,000 followers, then I’m pretty confident that person is currently underrated.

After some consideration, I believe the best way to measure the influence of a user’s followers with the data available in the Twitter API is taking the average number of the user’s follower’s followers.

I mulled over the possibility of using the median rather than the average, but decided against it: If someone with 1 million followers follows someone with 50 followers, I want to know more about that person, even though their TURI is high only because of that one highly influential follower. Outliers are good – we’re looking for diamonds in the rough.

Total Number of Followers (NF): The total number of followers the user currently has.

Our very definition of “underrated” in this context is when a user does not have as many followers as you expect, so total number of followers is obviously going to play an important role in TURI.

So to summarize the main idea behind TURI: if a person has a large number of “influential” followers, is growing their number of followers quickly relative to the volume of content they put out, and they still have a small number of total followers, then they are likely underrated.

Defining the Index

For any user i, we can calculate their Twitter Underrated Index (TURI) as:

$latex TURI_i = \frac{G_iIF_i}{NF_i}&s=4$

Where G is growth, IF is influence of followers, and NF is the number of followers.

This formula has the general relationships we are looking for: high growth in users for each unit of content, highly influential followers, and a low number of total followers all push TURI upward.

We can simplify the equation by rewriting G = NF / T, where T is the total number of tweets for the user. Cancelling out some terms, this gives us our final version of the index:

$latex TURI_i = \frac{IF_i}{T_i}&s=4$

In other words, our index of how under-rated a person is on twitter is given by the average number of i’s followers followers per tweet of user i.

Before calculating TURI for a group of users, there are a couple of pre-processing steps you will likely want to take to improve the results:

  1. Filter out verified accounts. One of the shortcomings of TURI is that a user’s growth / trajectory (i.e. G) will be very high if they are already a celebrity. These people typically have a large number of followers per Tweet not because of the content they put out, but because they’ve attained fame already elsewhere. Luckily, Twitter has a feature called a “verified account”, which applies “if it is determined to be an account of public interest. Typically this includes accounts maintained by users in music, acting, fashion, government, politics, religion, journalism, media, sports, business, and other key interest areas”. This is a prime group to filter out, because we are not looking for well-known people.
  2. Filter users by number of followers: There are a few reasons why you might want to only calculate TURI for users that have a following within some range (e.g. between 500 and 1,000):
    • Although there may be situations where a person with 500,000 followers is underrated, but this seems unlikely to be the kind of person you’re looking for so not worth the API resources.  
    • Filtering by some upper follower threshold mitigates the risk of including celebrities without verified accounts.
    • You limit the number of calls you make to the API. The most costly operation in terms of API calls is figuring out the influence of followers. The more followers a person has, the more API calls required to calculate TURI.

Trying out TURI

To test out the index, I calculated its value on a subset of 49 people that Tyler Cowen follows who have 1,000 or fewer followers (Tyler blogs at my favourite blog, inspired this project, and has good taste in people to follow).

The graph below illustrates TURI for these users (not including 4 accounts that were not accessible due to privacy settings). 

As you can see, one user (@xgabaix) is a significant outlier. Looking a bit more closely at the profile, this is Xavier Gabaix, a well known economist at Harvard University. His TURI is so high because he has several very influential followers and he has not tweeted yet. 

So did TURI fail here? I don’t think so, since this is very likely someone to follow if he was actually Tweeting. However, it does seem a little strange to put someone at the top of the list that doesn’t actually have any Twitter content.

So, I filtered again for users that have published at least 20 tweets:

The following chart looks solely at the various user’s IF (Influence of their Followers). Interestingly, another user @shanagement has the most influential followers by far. However, they rank in third place for overall TURI since they tweet significantly more than @davidbrooks13 or @davidhgillen.


Of course, TURI has some shortcomings:

  • Difficult to tell how well TURI works: The measures are based on intuition and there is obviously no “ground truth” data about how underrated twitter users actually are. So, we don’t really have a data-based method for seeing how well the index works and improving it systematically. For example, you might question is whether Growth G should be included in the index at all. I think there’s a good argument for it: if people get followers quickly per unit of content there must be something about that content that draws others. But, on the other hand, maybe they aren’t truly underrated. Maybe the truly underrated people have good content but your average Twitter user underestimates them even after reading a few posts. People don’t always know high quality when the see it.
  • It takes a fairly long time to calculate TURI: This is due to Twitter rate limits of API requests. For example, calculating TURI for 49 Twitter users above took about an hour. It would take even longer for people with larger followings (remember, I only focused on people with 1,000 or fewer followers). So, if you want to do a large batch of people, it’s probably a good idea run this on a server on an ongoing basis and store user and TURI information into a database. 

Other ideas?

There are many many different ways you could potentially specify an index like this. Leave a comment or reach out to me on Twitter or email if you have any suggestions.

One other possible tweak is accounting for the number of people that the user follows. I notice that some Twitter users seem to have a strategy of following a huge number of people in the hopes of being followed back. In these cases, their following strategy may be the cause of their high growth and not the quality of their content. One solution is to adjust the TURI by multiplying by (Number of User’s Followers) / (Number of People the User Follows). This would penalize people that, for example, have 15,000 followers but follow 15,000 people themselves.

Technical Details

You can find the code I used to interact with the API and calculate TURI here. The code uses the python-twitter package, which provides a nice way of interacting with the Twitter API, abstracting away annoying details so you don’t have to deal with them (e.g. authenticating with OAuth, dealing with rate limits).

Digging into Data Science Tools: Using Plotly’s Dash to Build Interactive Dashboards

Dash is a tool designed for building interactive dashboards and web applications using only Python (no CSS, HTML, or JavaScript required). I came across Dash while surveying options for building dashboards and reporting tools in my current position as Data Scientist with the City of Winnipeg Transportation Division.

Why use Dash?

Some of the lowest-hanging fruit working as a data science involves simply getting the data in front of the right people in a way that is easily digestible and actionable. No fancy ML, just presenting data to the right people at the right time in the right format. Dashboards are often a great way of doing that.

However, they can be a pain to build. Off-the-shelf dashboard tools like Tableau and PowerBI can be expensive and limiting (you are constrained to the features that they choose to include in their software). Developing dashboards from scratch as a web application is also a pain, since that often requires writing CSS, HTML, and JavaScript: as a data scientist, your focus is typically programming in python or R and your job typically does not require being an expert in JavaScript.

Dash strikes a perfect middle ground for a data scientist, providing way more flexibility and customizability than off-the-shelf tools at a much lower cost (i.e. free), while still having an easy-to-use API that a python-oriented data scientist should not have difficulty grasping.

A Demo Dash app of Blog Post Data from Marginal Revolution

To become familiar with Dash and see what it can do, I started out with a simple dashboard using some of the the scraped blog post data from Marginal Revolution (see this post on the MR scraper project). You can find the dashboard here, which provides an interactive chart of the number of posts on Marginal Revolution over time for each author. You can choose any of the authors in the drop down box, and the relevant data shows up in the chart:

I have to say, I can’t believe how easy it was to build this dashboard. In total, it’s only 33 lines of python code (you can find the code here. It was also easy to deploy to heroku, following this guide.

How Dash Works

I highly recommend going through the Dash tutorial here, which walks you through app creation and the main components of Dash. Here I’ll give a high level overview of some key points.

Dash apps have two components: a layout component which describes how the application looks visually, and an interactivity component which specifies how your dashboard interacts with the user and responds to input.

Layout Component

The layout defines what the dashboard looks like. When defining the layout of your application, you create a hierarchical “tree” of components, and each component will come from one of the following two main classes:

  • dash_html_components: This includes a component to represent every HTML tag. E.g. dash_html_components.H1(children = ‘Hello Dash’) adds <h1>Hello Dash</h1> to your dashboard.
  • dash_core_components: This describes higher-level components that combine HTML, JavaScript, and CSS created through the React.js library. These components have an interactive element to them (e.g. graphs with tooltips). One of the key classes within dash_core_components is Graph. Graph components represent data visualizations created using plotly.js (Plotly is the company that created Dash). Graph provides 35 different chart types to meet your needs. Another nice feature included within dash_core_components is the ability to include Markdown, which is often more convenient for presenting text based copy in your dashboards. There are many other options available to you in the dash_core_components library to use in your dashboard (e.g. sliders, checkboxes, date ranges, interactive tables, tabs, and more – see the gallery here).

To define the layout for a page and the data contained within it, you nest these various components as appropriate. You assign this nested list to app.layout, where app = dash.Dash(). To see an example of how these components fit together and how they are rendered in the browser, see the getting started page on the Dash tutorial.

Interactivity Component

Another key feature of Dash is its ability to respond to user input and change the visualization accordingly (dashboards aren’t really of much use without this feature). Dash makes this functionality quite easy, although there is a bit too much to go into great detail in this blog post. Read part 2 of the Dash user guide.

In short, Dash lets you add interactivity by adding an @app.callback decorator to a Python function you write which takes the input from one of the layout components and returns outputs to send to another layout component that you want to change according to the new input.

You can have multiple inputs and multiple outputs. For example, if you want a graph that gives the user the option of filtering by multiple variables in your dataset, you can use multiple input filters. The function that you apply the @app.callback decorator to automatically fires whenever there are any changes to any of the inputs.

Deploying to Production

Dash uses the python Flask web application framework under the hood. Flask is an awesome, lightweight web application framework for Python that is definitely worth knowing (and relatively easy to learn given how stripped down it is). You can access the underlying Flask app instance using app.server where app is the instance of your dash app (i.e. app = Dash()).

Since the Dash app is essentially a Flask app under the hood, deploying a Dash app is the same as deploying a Flask app, and there are many guides online for deploying flask apps in a variety of situations. The Dash website provides some more details about deployment as well as steps for deploying to Heroku.

Comment below if you have any questions or if you want to share your experience using Dash!

Further Resources

Dash User Guide and Documentation Documentation and Gallery
Dash Community Forum

Overview Python (and non-Python) Mapping Tools for Data Scientists

Very often, data needs to be understood on a geographic basis. As a result, data scientists should be familiar with the main mapping tools at their disposal.

I have done quite a bit of mapping before, but given its central nature in my current position as a Transportation Assets Data Scientist with the City of Winnipeg, it quickly became clear that I need to do a careful survey of the geographic mapping landscape.

There is a dizzying array of options out there. Given my main programming language is python, I’ll start with tools in that ecosystem, but then I’ll move on to other software tools available for geographic analysis.

Mapping Tools in Python


GeoPandas is a fantastic library that that makes munging geographic data in Python easy.

At its core, it is essentially pandas (a must-know library for any data scientist working with python). In fact, it is actually built on top of pandas, with data structures like “GeoSeries” and “GeoDataFrame” that extend the equivalent pandas data structures with useful geographic data crunching features. So, you get all the goodness of pandas, with geographic capabilities baked in.

GeoPandas works its magic by combining the capabilities of several existing geographic data analysis libraries that are each worth being familiar with. This includes shapely, fiona, and built in geographic mapping capabilities through descartes and matplotlib.

You can read spatial data into GeoPandas just like pandas, and GeoPandas works with the geographic data formats you would expect, such as GeoJSON and ESRI Shapefiles. Once you have the data loaded, you can easily change projections, conduct geometric manipulations, aggregate data geographically, merge data with spatial joins,  and conduct geocoding (which relies on the geocoding package geopy).


Basemap is a geographic plotting library built on top of matplotlib, which is the granddaddy of python plotting libraries. Similarly to matplotlib, basemap is quite powerful and flexible, but at the cost of being somewhat time consuming and cumbersome to get the map you want.

Another notable issue is that Basemap recently came under new management in 2016 and is going to be replaced by Cartopy (described below). Although Basemap will be maintained until 2020, the Matplotlib website indicates that all development efforts are now focused on Cartopy and users should switch to Cartopy. So, if you’re planning on using Basemap, consider using…..


Cartopy provides geometric transformation capabilities as well as mapping capabilities. Similarly to Basemap, Cartopy exposes an interface to matplotlib to create maps on your data. You get a lot of mapping power and flexibility coming from matplotlib, but the downside is similar: creating a nice looking map tends to be relatively more involved compared to other options, with more code and tinkering required to get what you want.


Geoplotlib is another geographic mapping option for Python that appears to be a highly flexible and powerful tool, allowing static map creation, as well as animated visualizations, and interactive maps. I have never used this library, and it appears to be relatively new, but it might be one to keep an eye out for in the future.


gmplot allows you to easily plot polygons, lines, and points on google maps, using a “matplotlib-like interface”. This allows you to quickly and easily plot your data and piggy-back on the interactivity inherent to Google Maps. Plots available include polygons with fills, drop pins, scatter points, grid lines, and heatmaps. It appears to be a great option for quick and simple interactive maps. 


Mapnik is a toolkit written in C++ (with Python bindings) to produce serious mapping applications. It is aimed primarily at developing these mapping applications on the web. It appears to be a heavy duty tool that powers a lot of maps you see on the web today, including OpenStreetMap and MapBox.


Folium lets you tap into the popular leaflet.js framework for creating interactive maps, without having to write a single line of JavaScript. It’s a great library that I have used quite often in recent months (I used folium to generate all the visualizations for my Winnipeg tree data blog post).

Folium allows you to map points, lines, and polygons, produce choropleth maps and heat maps, create map layers (that users can enable or disable themselves), and produce pop-up tooltips for your geographic data (bonus: these tooltips support html so you can really customize them to make them look nice). There is also a good amount of customization possible with the markers and lines used on your map.

Overall, Folium strikes a great balance between features, customizability, and ease of programming.


Plotly is a company offering a large suite of online data analytics and visualization tools. The focus of Plotly is providing frameworks that make it easier to present visualizations on the web. You write your code in Python (or R), talking to a plotly library and the visualizations are rendered using the extremely powerful D3.js library. For a taste of what is possible, check out their website, which showcases a bunch of mapping possibilities.

On top of the charts and mapping tools, they have a bunch of additional related products of interest on their website that are worth checking out. One that I’m particularly interested in is Dash, which allows you to create responsive data-driven web applications (mainly designed for dashboards) using only Python (no JavaScript or HTML required). This is something I’m definitely going to check out and will probably produce a “diving into data science” post in the near future.


Bokeh is a library specializing in interactive visualizations presented in the browser. This includes geographic data and maps. Similarly to Dash, there is also the possibility of using Bokeh to create interactive web applications that update data in real time and respond to user input (it does this with a “Bokeh Server”).

Other Tools for Mapping

There are obviously a huge amount of mapping tools outside of the python ecosystem. Here is a brief summary of a few that you might want to check out. Keep in mind that there are tons and tons of tools out there that are missing from this list. These are just some of the tools that I’m somewhat familiar with.

Kepler is a web-based application that allows you to explore geodata. It’s a brand spanking new tool released in late May 2018 by Uber. You can use the software live on its website – Kepler is a client side application with no server backend so all the data resides on your local machine / browser even.  It’s not just for use in on the Kepler website however; you can install the application and run it on localhost or a server, and you can also embed it into your existing web applications.

The program has some great features, with most of the basic features you would expect in an interactive mapping application, plus some really great bonus features such as split maps and playback. The examples displayed on the website are quite beautiful and the software is easy to use (accessible for use non-programmers).

This user guide provides more information on Kepler, what it can do, and how to do it. I’m very much looking forward to checking it out for some upcoming projects.


Mapbox provides a suite of tools related to mapping, aimed at developers to help you create applications that use maps and spatial analysis. It provides a range of services, from creating a nice map for your website to helping you build a geoprocessing application.

This overview provides a good idea of what’s possible. Mapbox provides a bunch of basemap layers, allow you to customize your maps, add your own data, and build web and mobile applications. It also provides options for extending functionality of web apps with tools like geocoding, directions, spatial analysis, and other features. Although Mapbox is not a free service, they do seem to have generous free API call limits (see their pricing here).

Heavy Duty GIS Applications

Not included here but also really important for people doing mapping are the full fledged GIS applications such as ArcGIS and QGIS. These are extremely powerful tools that are worth knowing as a geodata analyst. Note that ArcGIS is quite expensive; however, it is an industry standard so worth knowing. QGIS is also fairly commonly used and has the advantage of being free and open source.

Any glaring ommissions in this post? Let me know in the comments below or send me an email.

Further resources

Python data visualization libraries
Essential Python Geospatial Libraries
So You’d Like to Make a Map Using Python
Visualizing Geographic Data With Python
Geospatial Data with Open Source Tools in Python (YouTube) and accompanying GitHub Repo of Notebooks


Basemap Tutorial
Map Making in Python with Basemap


Mapnik Wiki
Mapnik – Maybe the Best Python Mapping Platform Yet
Take Control of Your Maps


Python tutorial on making a multilayer Leaflet web map with Folium (YouTube)
Interactive Maps with Python (Three Parts)
Creating Interactive Crime Maps with Folium


Python: mapping data with python library Bokeh
Interactive Maps with Bokeh

Digging into Data Science Tools: Anaconda

In the Digging into Data Science Series, I dive into specific tools and technologies used in data science and provide a list of resources you can find to learn more yourself. I keep posts in this series updated on a regular basis as I learn more about the technology or find new resources. Post Last updated on May 28, 2018

If you’re familiar at all with Data Science, you have probably heard of Anaconda. Anaconda is a distribution of Python (and R) targeted towards people doing data science. It’s totally free, open-source, and runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

Up until recently, I basically treated my installation of Anaconda as a vanilla python install and was totally ignorant about the unique features and benefits it provides (big mistake). I decided to finally do some research into what Anaconda does and how to get the most out of it.

What is Anaconda and why should you use it?

Anaconda is much more than simply a distribution of Python. It provides two main features to make your life way easier as a data scientist: 1) pre-installed packages and 2) a package and environment manager called Conda.

Pre-installed packages

One of the main selling points of Anaconda is that is comes with over 250 popular data science packages pre-installed. This includes popular packages such as NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, Bokeh, Matplotlib, among many others. So, instead of installing python and running pip install a bunch of times for each of the packages you need, you can just install Anaconda and be fairly confident that  most what you’ll need for your project will be there.

Anaconda has also created an “R Essentials” bundle of packages for the R language as well, which is another reason to use Anaconda if you are an R programmer or expect to have to do some development in R.

In addition to the packages, it comes with other useful data science tools preinstalled:

  • iPython / Jupyter notebooks: I’ll be doing a separate “Digging into Data Science Tools” post on this later, but Jupyter notebooks are an incredibly useful tool for exploring data in Python and sharing explorations with others (including non-Python programmers). You work in the notebook right in your web browser and can add python code, markdown, and inline images. When you’re ready to share, you can save your results to PDF or HTML.
  • Spyder: Spyder is a powerful IDE for python. Although I personally don’t use it, I’ve heard it’s quite good, particularly for programmers who are used to working with tools like RStudio.

In addition to preventing you from having to do pip install a million times, having all this stuff pre-installed is also super useful you’re teaching a class or workshop where everyone needs to have the same environment. You can just have them all install Anaconda, and you’ll know exactly what tools they have available (no need to worry about what OS they’re running, no need to troubleshoot issues for each person’s particular system).

Package and environment management with Conda

Anaconda comes with an amazing open source package manager and environment manager called Conda.

Conda as a package manager

A package manager is a tool that helps you find packages, install packages, and manage dependencies across packages (i.e. packages often require certain other packages to be installed, and a package manager handles all this messiness for you).

Probably the most popular package manager for python is it’s built-in tool called pip. So, why would you want to use Conda over pip?

  • Conda is really good at making sure you have the proper dependencies installed for data science packages. Researching for this blog post, I came across many stories of people having a horrible time installing important and widely used packages with pip (especially on Windows). The fundamental issue seems to be that many scientific packages in Python have external dependencies on libraries in other languages like C and pip does not always handle this well. Since Conda is a general-purpose package management system (i.e. not just a python package management system), it can easily install python packages that have external dependencies written in other languages (e.g. NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib).
  • There are many open source packages available to install through Conda which are not available through pip.
  • You can use Conda to install and manage different versions of python (python itself is treated as just another package).
  • You can still use pip while using Conda if you cannot find a package through Conda.

Together, Conda’s package management and along with the pre-installed packages makes Anaconda particularly attractive to newcomers to python, since it significantly lowers the amount of pain and struggle required to get stuff running (especially on Windows).

Conda as an environment manager

An “environment” is basically just a collection of packages along with the version of python you’re using. An environment manager is a tool that sets up particular environments you need for particular applications. Managing your environment avoids many headaches.

For example, suppose you have an application that’s working perfectly. Then, you update your packages and it no longer works because of some “breaking change” to one of the packages. With an environment manager, you set up your environment with particular versions of the packages and ensure that the packages are compatible with the application.

Environments also have huge benefits when sending your application to someone else to run (they are able to run the program with the same environment on their system) and deploying applications to production (the environment on your local development machine has to be the same as the production server running the application).

If you’re in the python world, you’re probably familiar with the built-in environment manager virtualenv. So why use Conda for environment management over virtualenv?

  • Conda environments can manage different versions of python. In contrast, virtualenv must be associated with the specific version of python you’re running.
  • Conda still gives you access to pip and pip packages are still tracked in Conda environments
  • As mentioned earlier, Conda is better than pip at handling external dependencies of scientific computing packages.

For a great introduction on managing python environments and packages using Conda, see this awesome blog post by Gergely Szerovay. It explains why you need environments and basics of how to manage them in Conda. Environments can be a somewhat confusing topic, and like a lot of things in programming, there are some up-front costs in learning how to use them, but they will ultimately save tons of time and prevent many headaches.

Bonus: no admin privileges required

In Anaconda, installations and updates of packages are independent of system library or administrative privileges. For people working on their personal laptop, this may not seem like a big deal, but if you are working on a company machine where you don’t have access to admin privileges, this is crucial. Imagine having to run to IT whenever you wanted to install a new python package – It would be totally miserable and it’s not a problem to be underestimated.

Further resources / sources

Big Transportation Data for Big Cities Conference: My Takeaways

For a long time, I’ve been interested in transportation and urban economics. When I was doing my Masters, I planned to specialize in these areas if I continued on to a PhD. So, when I saw a job position open for Data Scientist at the City of Winnipeg Transportation Assets Division, I didn’t have to spend much more than two seconds considering whether I would apply. 

Well, a few months have passed and I’m happy to announce that I was successful: I’m starting the position this week. To say I’m excited is a huge understatement. The Division has been doing very great things with the recent development of the Transportation Management Centre (TMC) and I’m looking forward to being a part of these cutting edge efforts to improve the City’s transportation system.

To get up to speed, I’ve been looking through various sources to get an idea what municipalities have been up to in this space. I was pointed to the Big Transportation Data for Big Cities Conference, which took place in 2016 in Toronto and involved transportation leaders from 18 big cities across North America. The presentations are all available online and are a great source to understand the kind of transportation data cities are collecting, how they’re using it, possibilities for future use, and challenges that remain.

How cities are using transportation data

Municipalities are collecting unprecedented amounts of data and working to apply  it in a variety of ways. Steve Buckley from the City of Toronto Transportation Services provides a useful categorization of the main areas of use for city transportation data: describing, evaluating, operating, predicting, and planning.

Describing (Understanding)

A fundamental application of the transportation data flowing into municipalities is simply to provide situational awareness about what is actually happening on the ground. This understanding is a prerequisite to all other forms of data use.

In the past, this was hard and expensive, but with widespread GPS, mobile applications, wireless communication technology, and inexpensive sensors, this kind of descriptive data is becoming cheaper to collect, easier to collect, and more detailed. 

There appears to still be a lot of “low hanging fruit” for improving safety and congestion by simply having more detailed data and observing what is actually happening on the ground. For example, one particularly interesting presentation from Nat Gale from the Los Angeles Department of Transportation points out that only 6% of their streets account for 65% of deaths and serious injuries for people walking and biking (obviously prime targets for safety improvements). His presentation goes on to describe how they installed a simple and inexpensive “scramble” pedestrian crossing at one of the most dangerous intersections in the city (Hollywood / Highland) and this appears to have increased the safety of the intersection dramatically.

Evaluating (Measuring)

While descriptive data is crucial, it is not sufficient. You also need to understand what is most important in the data (i.e. key performance indicators) and have reliable ways of figuring out whether an intervention (e.g. light timing change) actually produced better results.

Along these lines, one particularly interesting presentation was from Dan Howard (San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency) on their use of transit arrival and departure data to determine transit travel times (no GPS data required). Using this data, they can compare travel times before and after interventions, and understand the source of delays by simply examining the statistical distribution of travel times (e.g. lognormal distribution means good schedule adherence, normal distribution implies random events affect travel times, and multiple peaks indicate intersection / signal issues).


A key theme throughout many of the presentations is the potential benefits of being able to get traffic data in real time. For example, several municipalities have live real-time camera observations, weather data, and mobile application data (among other sources). These sources can provide real-time insight into operational improvements, such as real time congestion and light timing adjustment, traffic officer deployment planning, construction management, and detecting equipment / mechanical failures.


The improved detail of data, the real-time nature of the data, and evaluation techniques come together to enable a variety of valuable predictive analytics allowing municipalities to take proactive response (e.g. determining the locations at highest risk of congestion or accidents and preventing accidents before they happen).

Planning (Prioritizing investments)

With improved data and improved insights from the data, municipalities can do better planning of investments to yield the highest value in terms of some target (e.g. commute times, accidents).

Municipalities are starting to capitalize on the benefits of open data

One common thread throughout many of the presentations is the benefits of opening up city data to the public, third parties, and other government departments. Although this is not without its challenges, there are many potential benefits.

Personally, as a data-oriented person, I’m particularly gung-ho about opening data up to the public, as long as the data does not infringe on anyone’s privacy and the cost of making the data public is not too high. I feel like this should be almost a moral imperative of public institutions – if you’re collecting public data, then the public should be able to access that data (again, after considering privacy concerns and resource constraints).

But there are much more selfish reasons other than moral principle for cities to open up the data, and based on these presentations, municipalities starting to understand these benefits.

One important advantage is by making the data public, you create opportunities for others to do analysis or write software applications that your organization simply does not have the resources to do. For example, it may not be a core competency of a transportation department to build, deploy, and maintain mobile applications. However, many people want something like this to exist, and making transit schedules accessible through a public API facilitates others to do this work. In these cases, the municipality plays the role of enabler.

Another thing to consider is that people can be quite ingenious and figure out things to do with the data that you never dreamed of. By making the data public, you can crowdsource the ingenuity and resourcefulness of citizens for the benefit of the public. Municipalities can do this not only by opening the data, but also by hosting public events such as urban data challenges or open data hackathons. Sara Diamond from OCAD University went through several examples of clever visualizations and related projects resulting from open transit data. 

Another advantage of opening data is that it promotes collaboration with other municipalities and other departments within a single municipality. Opening the data builds competencies that can come in handy even if the data is not made public: for example, it may help a municipality share critical transportation data with other departments (e.g. emergency response teams).

This collaborative approach seems central for many municipalities in the conference. For example, Abraham Emmanuel from the City of Chicago talks about the City’s Transportation Management Center, which is working to “develop an integrated and modular system that can be accessed from anywhere on the City network” and “create interfaces with external systems to collect and share data” (where “external systems” can include the Chicago Transit Authority, Utilities, Third Parties, and others).

Municipalities are opening up to open source

Increasingly, municipalities are beginning to understand the value of open source software and incorporating it into their operations. Bibiana McHugh from TriMet Portland provides a useful comparison of the advantages of proprietary software versus open source software, with open source providing more control, fostering innovation / competition, resulting in a broader user and developer base, and the low entry costs.

Catherine Lawson from the The University at Albany Visualization and Informatics Lab (AVAIL) similarly presents benefits of open source, noting advantages such as defensible outputs (open platforms allow for 3rd party verification of output) and trustworthiness (open platforms can lead to a robust shared confidence in outcomes). In contrast, the advantages of proprietary models include alignment with procurement processes and the fact that it is the traditional, (currently) best-understood model.

Perhaps the best illustration of open source in action is given in Holly Krambeck’s (World Bank) presentation showing how open-source solutions can “leapfrog” traditional intelligent transportation systems in resource-constrained cities. She talks about the OpenTraffic program where “data providers” (e.g. taxi hailing companies) collect GPS location data from mobile devices host an open-source application called “Traffic Engine” that translates the raw GPS data into anonymized traffic statistics. These are sent to an server, pooled with other data providers statistics, and served with an API for users to access the data. OpenTraffic is built using fully open-source software and you can find a detailed report of how the project works here.

I think this is very exciting not just for the municipalities that reap the benefits of open source, but for programmers who now have the opportunity to build a reputation for themselves and their city, all while contributing a public good that benefits everyone.


Of course, there are challenges that come along with the opportunities of producing large scale, highly detailed transportation data. Mark Fox from the University of Toronto Transportation Research Institute has an extremely useful presentation outlining some of the main challenges often associated with open city data. These include:

  • Granularity (datasets often have different level of aggregation),
  • Completeness: important to think carefully about what to open to the public and having a reason behind opening it
  • Interoperability: datasets across different departments may describe similar things but may not be comparable due to slightly differing schemas / data types)
  • Complexity: the data presented may be very complex and thus the public presentation of that data is limited
  • Reliability: whenever you collect data, there are questions of the reliability of the data that limit the ability to use it and apply it.
  • Empowerment: This is an interesting challenge I had not considered, which refers to the the incentives often built into government organizations to avoid failure at all costs and not engage in any risk-taking through experimentation. There also may tend to be a focus on short-term delivery of political goals and a lack of a long-term strategy of innovation.

Ann Cavoukian from Ryerson University (and formerly the Information and Privacy Commissioner for Ontario) adds privacy to this list of challenges. Her presentation focuses entirely on these issues, along with “Privacy by Design” standards to help mitigate these risks. She points out that extensive data collection and analytics can lead to “expanded surveillance, increasing the risk of unauthorized use and disclosure, on a scale previously unimaginable”. With recent privacy and data breach scandals from Equifax and Facebook since this presentation took place, I assume these issues are even more at the forefront of municipalities’ concerns with respect to transportation data.

Why Data Scientists Should Join Toastmasters

Public speaking used to be a big sore spot for me. I was able to do it, but I truly hated it and it caused me a great deal of grief. When I knew I had to speak it would basically ruin the chunk of time from when I knew I would have to speak to when I did it. And don’t get me started on impromptu speaking – whenever something like that would pop up, I would feel pure terror.

Things got a bit better once I entered the working world and had to speak somewhat regularly, giving presentations to clients and staff and participating in meetings. But still, I hated it. I thought I was no good and had a lot of anxiety associated with it.

A little over a year ago, I finally had enough and decided I needed to do something about it. I joined the Venio Dictum toastmasters group in Winnipeg. After only a few months, I started to become much more relaxed and at ease when speaking. Today, one year later, I actually look forward to giving speeches and facing the challenge of impromptu speaking. A year ago, if you told me I would feel this way now, I wouldn’t have believed you.

Imagine being the type of person that volunteers to address a crowd or give a toast off the cuff. Imagine looking forward to speaking at a wedding, meeting, or other event. Imagine being totally comfortable in one of those “networking event” situations where you enter a room crowded full of people you don’t know. A year ago, I used to think people that enjoyed this stuff were from another planet. Now, I understand this attitude and I feel like I’m getting there myself.

Why should a Data Scientist care about speaking skills?

  • Communication is a critical part of the job

Yes, a huge part of being a data scientist is having skills in mathematics, statistics, machine learning, programming, and having domain expertise.

However, technical skills are not anywhere close to the entire picture. You might be fantastic at data analysis, but if you aren’t able to communicate your results to others, your work is basically useless. You’ll wind up producing great analysis that ultimately never get implemented or even considered at all because you failed to properly explain its value to anyone.

Speaking is a huge part of communication, so you need to be good at it (the other big area of communication is writing, but that’s a topic for another day).

  • Professional advancement

To get to the next level in your career (and to get a data scientist job in the first place), it really helps to be a confident and persuasive speaker.

Job interviews are a great example. When you apply for a job, there will always be an interview component where you’ll have to speak and answer questions you have not prepared for in advance. Even if your resume and portfolio look great, it’s going to be hard for an employer to hire you if you bomb the interview.

This also applies to promotions from within your current company. Advanced positions typically require rely more on communication and management skills like speaking and less on specific technical skills.

  • Network / connection building

Improved speaking doesn’t just make your presentations better: it makes your day-to-day communications with colleagues and acquaintances better too. You’ll become a better conversationalist and a better listener.

As a data scientist, you’ll likely be working with multiple teams within your organization and outside your organization. You will need to gain their trust and support, and better speaking helps you do that.

  • It makes you a better thinker / learner

The motto of my toastmasters club is “better listening, thinking, and speaking” because a huge part of speaking is learning how to organize your thoughts in a clear package so they are ready for delivery to your audience. As George Horace Latimer said in his book Letters from a Self Made Man to his Merchant Son:

“There’s a vast difference between having a carload of miscellaneous facts sloshing around loose in your head and getting all mixed up in transit, and carrying the same assortment properly boxed and crated for convenient handling and immediate delivery.”

Having a lot of disparate facts in your head is not very useful if they are not organized in a way that lets you easily access them when the time is right. Preparing a speech forces you to organize your thoughts, create a coherent narrative, and understand the principles underlying the ideas that you’re trying to communicate.

This habit of understanding the underlying rules and principles behind what you learn is referred to by psychologists as “structure building” or “rule learning”. As described in the book Make it Stick, people who do this as a habit are more successful learners than people that take everything they learn at face value, never extracting principles that can be applied to new situations. Public speaking cultivates this skill.

This is particularly important for data scientists, given the incredibly diverse range of subjects we are required to develop expertise in and the constantly evolving nature of our field. To manage this firehose of information, we must have efficient learning habits.

One great thing about Toastmasters is you can give a speech on any topic you want. So go ahead, give a speech on deep reinforcement learning to help solidify your understanding of the topic (but explain in a way that your grandmother could understand).

  • Speaking is a fundamental skill that will impact your life in many other ways

Speaking is a great example of a highly transferable skill that pays off no matter what you decide to do. Since it deeply pervades everything we do in our personal and professional lives, the ROI for improving is tremendous. (In my opinion, some other skills that fall into this category include writing, sales, and negotiation.)

Consider all the non-professional situations in your life where you speak to others (e.g. your spouse, kids, parents, family, acquaintances, community groups). Toastmasters will make all of these interactions more fruitful.

Suppose you decide data science isn’t right for you. Well, you can be close to 100% sure the speaking skills you develop through Toastmasters will still be valuable whatever you decide to do instead.

In terms of the 80-20 rule, working on your public speaking is definitely part of the 20% that yields 80% of the results. It’s worth your time.

How Does Toastmasters Work?

Although each club may do things a little differently, all use the same fundamental building blocks to make you a better speaker:

  • Roles: At each meeting, there are a list of possible “roles” that you can play. Each of these roles trains you in a different public speaking skill. For example, the “grammarian” observes everyones language and eloquence, “gruntmaster” monitors all the “ums”, “uhs”, “likes”, “you knows” etc. There is a “Table Topics Master” role where you propose random questions to members they have not prepared for in advance and they have to do an impromptu speech about it for two minutes (an incredibly valuable training exercise, especially if you fear impromptu speaking). Here are the complete list of roles and descriptions of the roles in my club.
  • Prepared speeches: Of course, there are also tons of opportunities to provide prepared speeches. Toastmasters provides you with manuals listing various speeches to prepare that give you practice in different aspects of public speaking. You do these speeches at your own pace.
  • Evaluations: Possibly the most valuable feature of Toastmasters is that everyone’s performance is evaluated by others. In a Toastmasters group, you’ll often have a subset of members that are very skilled and experienced speakers (my club has several members that have been with the club 25+ years), and the feedback you get can be invaluable. It’s crucial for improvement, and it’s something you don’t usually get when speaking in your day-to-day life.

Go out and find a local Toastmasters group and at check it out as a guest to see how it works up close. They will be more than happy to have you. You owe it to yourself to at least give it a try. If your experience is anything like mine, you’ll be kicking yourself for not starting earlier (and by “earlier” I mean high school or even sooner – it’s definitely something I’m going to encourage my daughter to do).